The Zone

I learned today that there are several stations situated around campus called The Zone.  It's the greatest idea ever!  It's for technology assistance.  The official website states that they will help with a ton of things and is - get this - a "personalized concierge service for all of your Boise State technology needs".  It even says it will help me get rid of pop-ups on my personal laptop.  Who does that and where have they been my whole life?  I do believe I am in love.  And they have equipment to checkout from computers to cameras and items I've never heard of. But they are there should I ever happen to take a class that would teach me what they are and why I would have a need to check one out.  

I walked by one of The Zones today and sure enough, there it was.  A quiet area with computer stations and a couple of very nice looking young men standing there ready to be helpful.  OK, I'm going to say this once and only once.  I mean it, only once.  Everyone looks SO YOUNG!  OK, that's it.  I'm not going to say it again.  Just know that I'm thinking it.  I believe these young men are in junior high, but quite intelligent looking and I'm sure capable of doing the job.  

In the final week count down before classes start I find that I can't quiet my mind.  I constantly try to anticipate what this school thing will be like.  I'm perseverating to the point of madness.  The fact that I am posting this at 2:30 AM is indicative that my Monkey Mind chatters on.  And now I fret that if this persistent insomnia continues I will become too ill to attend my first classes on Monday.  Arrrrggh, the perseveration continues.  If I could just start school I think it will calm my troubled brain or at least distract it with some actual real life projects/assignments/concerns/learning.  In the meantime I have The Zone.  I hold the thought of it like an anchor.  I understand that it's meant to be more of a technological assistance, but could I wonder in from time to time when I need to see the physical evidence that there is help on the ready?  Someone who knows the answers to the questions I will inevitably have.  A physical space where I can go where they know stuff, the mysterious stuff of the Technologically Learned.  On particularly bad days when I'm feeling completely overwhelmed could I just go into The Zone and sit there for a spell?  Maybe they wouldn't always be able to fix what ails me but I envision visits like that to a shrine.  A place of contemplation and renewal.  I could take offerings: fruit, incense, spirits.  And if I'm really good and quiet and not much bother perhaps they could just hold my hand now and then in a kind, knowledgeable, comforting sort of way.  God bless and keep The Zone and all who dwell there.


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