
Showing posts from February, 2016

Chakra 101

FEB 17, 2016 NO COMMENTS SUSAN FULLMER Chakra 101 Let’s start at the very beginning.  A very good place to start…as they say.  All Things Woo Woo is a talk show about New Age issues.  I actually dislike using the name “New Age” because it means different things to different people.  And at best, it is a very large umbrella that encompasses a whole lot of stuff.  “Stuff” being the technical, encompassing, catch-all phrase one needs to use when utilizing a big umbrella.  I think when dealing in mass, it’s always good to begin with the basics.  Wax on – wax off. So let’s talk chakras.  This talk show/blog blurb will  not  be the definitive definition of all things New Age (or my much preferred tongue in cheek/term of endearment – Woo Woo), so if any of this catches your interest, Google away.  Or better yet, take a class.  For example, as a nurse I feel it is the duty of all human be...

Susan's next crazy-ass adventure!

All Things Woo Woo  Radio Talk Show  on Boise State,  University Pulse Sundays 5:00-7:00 pm Show Podcasts      This weekly radio talk show is about energy medicine, discovering our own inner intuitive, and relaxation.  Join in for guided meditations, eduction, readings and dream interpretations, discussions about past live patterns, and connecting with our spirit guides and etheric helpers.  This show is about practical uses and adaptations of our innate human, intuitive abilities.        Join in the discussion and add your questions to the Facebook page.  All Things Woo Woo.      Susan is an Energy Medicine Healer, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Nurse with decades of experience as a practitioner and teacher.  She is currently a student at Boise State University, and a perpetual student of life. The fish bowl.  Yikes!  What have I gotten myself...

Boys in the Trees

Raw. Real. Not what I expected. Made me love her more.

Foreign Country

     I stumbled into the Advanced Math Lab today.  A foreign country indeed.  It's Sunday and the Pee Wee Math Lab isn't open yet.  Drats!  A huge waste of time to go back home and then come back again in two hours.  Resourceful me, I start going from door to door looking for a room that someone forgot to lock.  Each room is jam packed full of computers just ready for me to use - if I can just get in the door.  Success, one lone guy is sitting in a room full of about 25.  Plenty for little old me, cuz all I need is one.  Now to make my pitch so he'll take pity on me and let me in.  I have no idea who he is or why he would be sitting in the math building on a Sunday morning.  Turns out, he's a TA (Teacher's Aid) for advanced math.      I'd heard of advanced math.  The very term makes me shudder.  But he was so nice and said, "Sure, come on it".  I timidly said that I was a math 25 studen...

Breakfasting at the Library

Beautiful pair of mallards dining out.  (the pic doesn't do them justice) During an early morning walk to math.   See what happens when you turn around to look at the ducks?   Mmmmmm, pretty.

Gone are the days

when you have to copy down what the teacher has written on the board.  Click.

Two trains leave a station...

I suck at word problems!  Arrggggg! Can't I just go on line and see what time they will arrive?   

Discussion Board Post for UF 300

UF 300 Discussion Board Understanding Others 2/22/16 •     Have you had an experience that challenged and/or threatened your "framework"?  What did you do?  Did you change because of it or did you opt not to?       Many, many years ago when my son was two weeks old, I found out that my then husband, was gay.   This was back in the 1980s when NO ONE was openly talking about the gay issue, not to mention the issue of being married to one.   I had been brought up in an extremely conservative family and community that believes fervently, that gay people choose to be gay, and are sinners.   In fact, being gay is about the worst thing you could do in life.   In the conversations I remember back in the day, it vied with the number one sin of being a murderer.   There is a famous (infamous) quote by one of their beloved leaders stating, it would be better that they kill themselves, than for someone to be a ho...


Holy shit!  What the hell have I gotten myself into.

Voki Interrupted

     Five IT hotshots and two hours later, it is finally determined that I cannot embed a Voki into a Power Point after all (see blog post Voki).  I'm like a dog with a bone when it comes to letting go of a brilliantly creative idea once I've hatched one.  I was going to do a bit of reenactment of the Bob Kustra interview using an avatar for each of us.  But sadly, I finally had to concede defeat.  The other bummer is I have now lost a precious day and a half trying to get this one to work.  Figuring out these media programs are difficult for me.  The learning process consists of swearing, hair pulling and a whole lot of time.  I refrain from pounding on the laptop for fear of breakage, though I dearly want to.      Math was not my only fear hurdle that kept me from coming back to school all those years.  It was that damn computer.  Mind you, there was no computers when I was in college last.  Other than ...


     After banging my head against a lap top for three hours last night I finally figured out that what I'm trying to do probably can't be done on a Mac.  (Sorry MacBook Air - you know I love you more than life's just that damn compatibility thing)  So I'm back at my home away from home, The Zone (on campus tech support).  How much do I love these helpful, extremely intelligent nerds that get me through ALL my computer woes.  Honestly, No Zone would equal No Degree.  I wouldn't have made it without them so far and I'm quite sure the graduation finish line will mean many more visits between now and then.      Today's adventure is a UF 300 assignment.  I want to embed a Voki into a Power Point/Slides - which ever will work best.  Long story short, I can't do it on my MacBook Air OR my Chromebook.  I brought them both into The Zone today just to make sure I wasn't crazy or confused.  My brainy-nerd-hel...

A bird just told me

     I'm watching the birds at my bird feeder just outside this window next to my desk.  One just told me to, "Love this day".  This is a fairly ordinary day for me according to my calendar, filled with a mountain of math homework, and an UF 300 project due in two days.  Clarification:  A HUGE UF 300 project...that I haven't started yet.  So yea, just a normal day.  Yet, I am to love it.  Animals speak truth to me.  I've never know otherwise.      Why does this seemly simple request feel so very difficult?  Talk about a glitch in the flow of my life.  Thanks for the heads up Bird.  I will endeavor to make it so.

I am the algebraic

Who just got a 93% on the first algebra test of the semester?

Google Scholar

It's a beautiful thing.

Math Air

     Why is it that I seem to have far fewer questions when I do my math homework in the math lab?  I suspect it's because of all the math air I'm breathing in.  Math building.  Math students.  Math thoughts swirling all around me.  One more deep breath.

A Life Changer


"If you are not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original"

TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson And this is what it can look like.  I like it! TEDx Talk by Logan LaPlante