Foreign Country

     I stumbled into the Advanced Math Lab today.  A foreign country indeed.  It's Sunday and the Pee Wee Math Lab isn't open yet.  Drats!  A huge waste of time to go back home and then come back again in two hours.  Resourceful me, I start going from door to door looking for a room that someone forgot to lock.  Each room is jam packed full of computers just ready for me to use - if I can just get in the door.  Success, one lone guy is sitting in a room full of about 25.  Plenty for little old me, cuz all I need is one.  Now to make my pitch so he'll take pity on me and let me in.  I have no idea who he is or why he would be sitting in the math building on a Sunday morning.  Turns out, he's a TA (Teacher's Aid) for advanced math.

     I'd heard of advanced math.  The very term makes me shudder.  But he was so nice and said, "Sure, come on it".  I timidly said that I was a math 25 student and would that be all right.  A blank look crossed his face.  I cleared my throat and said, "Algebra".  "Oh yeah, says he and then assured me that it would be fine.  I've run across this before with math TAs who are studying "higher math" (also makes me shudder).  They tell me that they rarely, if ever use algebra at that stage of the game and sometimes have a hard time remembering it.  Great, I had lofty aspirations of learning something important here.  But then they are quick to assure me that "Engineers need to know it".  "Yea for engineers!"  (said in a limp, grudging voice)

     So, I know this has got to be hard for him and sure enough, when I call him over to look at some factoring gibberish, he hasn't got a clue how to solve it.  But then, much to my delight and with a tinge of envy, he says, "Oh yeah, I think I remember this".  And sure enough, he lickity-split figures it out.  I told him, "You are probably having to go back to your high school memories for this.  He tips his head in thought and states, "9th grade".  Fine, you mastered in 9th grade what I am struggling with at age 55.  But all is forgiven as he helps me figure out this crazy thing where I am factoring and dividing two, too long numbers with a bunch of letters which requires me to only do portions at a time and then multiply back through periodically - but only in bits and pieces at unfathomable times, and for unknown reasons.  Trust me, it's a hot mess.  But thanks to my Advanced Math buddy, I got it!  Thank you Josh.


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