Chakra 101

Chakra 101

Let’s start at the very beginning.  A very good place to start…as they say.  All Things Woo Woo is a talk show about New Age issues.  I actually dislike using the name “New Age” because it means different things to different people.  And at best, it is a very large umbrella that encompasses a whole lot of stuff.  “Stuff” being the technical, encompassing, catch-all phrase one needs to use when utilizing a big umbrella.  I think when dealing in mass, it’s always good to begin with the basics.  Wax on – wax off.
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So let’s talk chakras.  This talk show/blog blurb will not be the definitive definition of all things New Age (or my much preferred tongue in cheek/term of endearment – Woo Woo), so if any of this catches your interest, Google away.  Or better yet, take a class.  For example, as a nurse I feel it is the duty of all human beings to take an anatomy class.  After all, we all have a body.  We ought to, at the very least, know how it works and what goes where.  Same is true for the energetic body.  Whether you know it or not, among other things, you have a handful of major chakras and a larger handful of minor ones.  It just might be in your best interest to know what that means.  This may be my passion, but it’s your energy body.  Know what goes where and why.

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One can’t get more basic then the root chakra.  It’s number one of seven major chakras that run up the spine starting at the base and going to the top of the head.  One (Root) is at the base and seven (Crown) is at the head.  Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “Spinning Wheel”, and indeed that’s what a healthy chakra looks like.  It’s a ball of energy and it moves in a clockwise motion with the body being the face of the clock.  Unfortunately, our chakras (like our physical bodies) are not always in good shape, and this can make us feel not so good.
Each chakra is associated with different aspects.  For example, the first chakra, or root, or base chakra is concerned with our energetic connection to the earth and to our own physical body, especially the feet and the lower extremities.  It can give us a sense of being grounded and present, and it can also generate a solid foundation from which to live our lives.  The issues of the first chakra are safety, security, and basic needs.  Do we have a safe and consistent place to live?  Are our bodies free from abuse?  Are our basic physical needs being met?
OK, now here’s the crazy part.  Hear me out.  If a chakra isn’t balanced and healthy, you can see the outcome of this in people’s lives.  For the first chakra, we tend to have problems in the areas mentioned above.  No, wait, it gets better.  If you can heal the chakra and bring it into harmony as it is meant to be, then those outcomes in our lives start to heal as well.  Yep, it’s true.  Can you see now why a healthy, happy chakra is so very important to us?  So what to do if it needs fixing?
Since the root chakra is associated with earth, an excellent way to clear and balance this energy center is to go into nature.  Also, it is helpful to move the body in any healthy way. There are even foods that can help you be more grounded:  Root vegetables and protein.  Also, there are essential oils that are excellent for all of the chakras.  There are many good meditations that can help with this process and I encourage you to seek them out.  Each chakra has a color and the first, is red.  Simply focusing on your lower spine area and breathing in the color red to that space can be a powerful exercise, if accompanied with an intention for healing.  Go ahead and give it a try, especially if you are dealing with “first chakra issues”.  And if all that doesn’t seem to do the trick, you may want to connect with a reputable energy medicine healer.  If you don’t know one, I’d check with places like New Age stores or massage schools for suggestions.  In the mean time, catch me on my show.  I like to start with a good grounding meditation…which of course is all about the first chakra.  A very good place to start.

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Susan Fullmer is an Energy Medicine Healer, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Nurse with decades of experience as a practitioner and teacher.  She is currently a student at Boise State University, and a perpetual student of life.  
All Things Woo Woo is a weekly talk show on the Boise State radio station, University Pulse. Susan Fullmer hosts this show on Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00 pm. Show topics include Energy Medicine, Energy Healing techniques, and practical uses for being aware of our natural intuitive abilities. Join in for guided meditations, education, and energy readings and dream interpretations.  


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