Voki Interrupted

     Five IT hotshots and two hours later, it is finally determined that I cannot embed a Voki into a Power Point after all (see blog post Voki).  I'm like a dog with a bone when it comes to letting go of a brilliantly creative idea once I've hatched one.  I was going to do a bit of reenactment of the Bob Kustra interview using an avatar for each of us.  But sadly, I finally had to concede defeat.  The other bummer is I have now lost a precious day and a half trying to get this one to work.  Figuring out these media programs are difficult for me.  The learning process consists of swearing, hair pulling and a whole lot of time.  I refrain from pounding on the laptop for fear of breakage, though I dearly want to.

     Math was not my only fear hurdle that kept me from coming back to school all those years.  It was that damn computer.  Mind you, there was no computers when I was in college last.  Other than computer medical charting, I was never exposed to much in the way of IT gadgetry in the workplace and I was way too scared to go seek it out on my own.  No thank you.  And so the electronic intimidation grew with every decade.  I knew enough to know, that I would not be able to avoid it in school.  Never a truer statement spoken!

     But wait, what has happened here?  Though I couldn't use it, I now know Voki.  And I add this to a number of other media programs I have learned this year:  Power Point, PowToons, and Spicynodes.  And don't forget the two I added yesterday after ditching Voki:  Prezi and Screen-o-Matic.  I know these programs!  Me!  There's a bit of swagger in my step today.  I'm feeling like pretty hot stuff.

     So, it's not in my UF 300 multimedia presentation, but I'm going to show you my one frame of Voki. (I didn't make more frames until I knew I could use it - good plan Susan)  No, Voki can't be embedded into PP, but for some bizarre reason, it can be embedded into a blog.  Go figure.  And now, without any further ado, may I present, my Voki!  Someone pass the popcorn please.


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