Moving forward in this new emerging paradigm

How can we move this emerging paradigm forward? I was listening to Gregg Braden yesterday and paraphrased he said, "As the system built in separation collapses, we will allow it to collapse and replace it with something beautiful, sustainable, and built on connection. A place where we thrive." I feel strongly in my heart that it is no coincidence that we are all here at this time. We are here to help birth this New Earth. Do we feel a longing right now to do something but we aren't quite sure what that means? I know I do. It is my hope that I will clarify that for myself with the help of friends old and new. I will leave you with some questions from Gregg to stimulate some thought. Old paradigm energy we are leaving = Separation: What can I get? What can I own? What is in it for me? New paradigm energy we are moving into = Connection: What can I give? What can I share? What can I offer? How can I contribute to my family and community? What do people need?