
Showing posts from 2020

Moving forward in this new emerging paradigm

How can we move this emerging paradigm forward? I was listening to Gregg Braden yesterday and paraphrased he said, "As the system built in separation collapses, we will allow it to collapse and replace it with something beautiful, sustainable, and built on connection. A place where we thrive." I feel strongly in my heart that it is no coincidence that we are all here at this time. We are here to help birth this New Earth. Do we feel a longing right now to do something but we aren't quite sure what that means? I know I do. It is my hope that I will clarify that for myself with the help of friends old and new. I will leave you with some questions from Gregg to stimulate some thought. Old paradigm energy we are leaving = Separation: What can I get? What can I own? What is in it for me? New paradigm energy we are moving into = Connection: What can I give? What can I share? What can I offer? How can I contribute to my family and community? What do people need?

My You Tube channel - Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer

My You Tube channel - Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer

The answer is no

2020_06_29 Two days after the ceremony for my father, I am told by my Spirit Helpers that my sister, the heir to the throne, has been murdered by the Annunaki people. They are tired of the tyrannical rule of our father, and which she demonstrated she had every intention of continuing. I guess they had had enough. I was also told that they now wanted me to rule them. Well, that one blew my mind. How would that work exactly? A human ruler? And I would live the life span of a gnat compared to them. I let all of that go in my mind and focused on the idea of it all. Pretending that it would be possible, would I want to do it? Being the healer that I am I automatically wondered if I could be of help to these people - my people I suppose. But is this what I was meant to do? My purpose? I intuitively followed this line of inquiry and my Guides showed me that while the Annunaki people didn’t want the tyrannical rulership they have always known, nor did they want the peaceful leadership I w...

The Ceremony

2020_06_27_The Ceremony  Saturday morning I wake predawn and sit outside my tent. It is quiet except for a riot of bird talk. I am camped under a large pine tree. It feels like I will have my tasked ceremony at the base of this tree. That is all I know at this point.  I am told to go on a journey to learn next steps. It was short and sweet. I was to place a piece of palo santo sap at the base of the tree. I had also packed a new, large, white sage smudge stick which I broke up into pieces and scattered around the sap. This I did after opening sacred space and setting my intention to have a ceremony to honor my Aunnunaki father. It turned out to be easy, powerful, and complete. How could something so seemingly impossible slide into place with the simplicity of a breath?  I have much thanks to offer my tree friend for his help with all of this. Before starting I was told to go around to the other side of the tree where I found a sweet little cluster of one to ...

Fireside Chat

2020_06_26_Camping I am camping with my friends R and W - social distancing of course. As I sat quietly watching the fire last night, it felt like the wood had something to say so I engaged in conversation. Wood: I knew your Anunnaki father. Me: How is that possible? You wouldn’t have been alive when he was here on earth. They are an ancient race that live for millions of years. Wood: (Wood told/showed me that he was connected to all of his tree ancestors and that they all knew and remembered the same thing) Me: What did you think of him? Wood: He was mean. Me: Yes, he was. (I never knew a tree could be so understated)

Shamanic Journey_Bottom of the Barrel

I’m leaving today to go camping and I felt drawn to start my day with a journey so I woke early and prepared my sacred space with clearing, grounding, and calling in my protections - standard operating procedure. Do you ever have one of those days where you just want a cheery, give me a nice rosy outlook boost of energy kind of journey? Yea, it wasn’t going to be one of those days. I climbed on Eagle’s back and off we flew. As we landed and I slid to the ground I noticed that everything seemed dark. Not in a negative sort of way but rather in a, “I can’t see anything” way. I asked for a Spirit Helper and my new Helper Blanket appeared. As this is a new relationship, I asked him to tell me more about himself. I’m using pronouns because “it” doesn’t express the connection I’m starting to feel with this magnificent being. But neither is Blanket a she or a he. I’ll try s/he but I’m stating right here and now - we need new, expanded vocabulary, for so many reasons. But I digress. Blank...

Shamanic Journey_My Left Breast

I woke at 3:00 am knowing it was time for another journey. Blanket had been working on me all night lifting and removing the joyful emotions barrier that had been placed on me by my Anunnaki father (see recent post).  Immediately and before going on the second journey, I was drawn to a new energy I could feel in the lower left quadrant of my left breast. I intuitively knew that this was the potential beginnings of cancer. I also knew that I was supposed to ask about this energy in the journey which I was about to take. I was very hesitant to do so as I feared it would be bad news. My Helping Spirit and I returned to the secure, nondescript location where I again talked to Blanket. He told me that he had removed the barrier to joy. I could feel it was so, and then I felt an explosion that ripped throughout my whole body. It wasn’t painful but it made me gasp. I’m still sitting with that experience and it is difficult to put into words. After awhile I was able to ask about the e...

Shamanic Journey_Blanket

Last night in class, Jill proposed that we go on a journey for joy. She said in these difficult times during the COVID 19 pandemic, we can struggle with many difficult emotions such as fear and isolation. She wanted us to connect with joy - and if not that, at least happiness. I confess that my experience over that past several months has been for the most part, one of inner peace. I am blessed to have a job that I can do from home and I have relished the quiet. It has given me the opportunity to sink deep into my spiritual practice. I also confess to a bit of eye rolling when she mentioned the intention of last night’s journey. I profoundly appreciate that this is a crazy time full of uncertainty and that this would be a helpful journey...for most. I didn’t really think I needed it but I went along for the ride, so to speak. And sure as shootin, the journey was specifically for me. I’m going to stop right here and tell Jill thank you for this gift. And please forgive and disregard th...

Shamanic Broadening_Homeless

I have studied shamanism for over 25 years. Shortly before the class began - even before I knew I was taking the class - I journeyed to my long time launching place, El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, California. I grew up in California and we had gone on several memorable family trips there. It has always been a special place to me and so I wasn’t surprised that my shamanic experience grounded beneath that sacred granite monolith.  While there, I was told by my Spirit Helpers that I would no longer be coming to this place. And indeed, I could feel that the energy was complete. There was nothing more for me there in a shamanic sense, though I do hope to visit in physical form someday as I do not live in California now. I was sad, even grieved to lose this important place where so much had happened: Intensive healing, truth discoveries galore, and most important - connection with my beloved Spirit Helpers. Without this place, I couldn’t imagine where I would go or what I...