
Showing posts from August, 2024

Ask the Universe ANYTHING: Today's channeled question is, "Why don’t I like to meditate? I have tried and tried but it doesn’t work."

Susan Fullmer is a Conscious Channel.  She works with a wide variety of individuals and groups of higher dimensions.  Do you have a question for the Universe?  Paid subscribers on Substack can submit questions.  Channeled Question:  Why don’t I like to meditate?  I have tried and tried but it doesn’t work. Channeled Source:  Pleiadians Susan’s Note:  These Pleiadians are a collective of high vibrational beings from the Pleiadian star system.  They have close ties to earth and care deeply what happens to us.  They are here to assist humanity.    Answer:   We would like to answer this question and so we step forward during Susan’s meditation.  In fact, we have suggested this question.  Many of you have heard how beneficial meditation can be for humans.  In fact, there have been many of your scientific studies on the subject.  We do not necessarily disagree with any of it.  We do, however, suggest that there is more to the picture.  That is what we would like to address at this time.  We

Susan is Interviewed by Wendy Folsom: Sisters - Three feathered fans and one golden award

In this podcast, my sister Wendy mentions an evening long ago.  Before listening to the podcast, take a moment to read about my recollection of that event.   It was a heady night, oh those 25 years ago.  The allure of fame and fortune.  Actually, it was silliness in all its glory.  Truth be told, it was the best camp skit ever known to humankind.  Fortunately, it was never filmed.  It happened before cell phones or even decent video equipment.  And so, that night lives on in sheer perfection.  Well, in my mind anyway.  And I dare you to prove me wrong. My sisters and I have always loved musicals.  One of our favorite games was, “Name that Tune.”  Extra points if you could also identify the musical it came from.  And we almost always won the extra points.  We love the movie, White Christmas - And who doesn’t!  (Okay, I have heard there are lots of you out there who don’t, but that makes no sense to me.)  Moving on. We are especially fond of the sisters' act.  You know, the song wher

Attack of the Yogi Kitty: Killing the yoga/Zen vibe

  This turns from joyful watching on my part, to much pain when she turns that attack action on me. Read on with a paid subscription on Substack! If you are interested in a psychic reading or a remote energy healing, you can schedule via 208-260-0033 or Susan Fullmer is a conscious channel, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, energy healer, energy reader, teacher, mentor, group facilitator, nurse, and licensed massage therapist. She has been in private practice since 1990 with her business,  Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer. She draws from decades of study and practice in the healing arts including 35 years of nursing (both medical and mental health) and massage therapy (with extensive study in energy medicine).  Susan has a plethora of experience in group facilitation, public speaking, mentorship, and teaching classes and workshops.  In 2019 she graduated from Boise State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Multidisciplina

Ask the Universe ANYTHING: Today's channeled question is, "Can I talk to trees? If so, how?"

Susan Fullmer is a Conscious Channel.  She works with a wide variety of individuals and groups of higher dimensions.  Do you have a question for the Universe?  Paid subscribers on Substack can submit questions.  Question:   Can I talk to trees?  If so, how?   Channel Source:   Three pine trees outside of Susan’s window.   Susan’s Note:   All of nature is sentient and we can talk with it if we want.  Nature is very wise.   Answer:     Yes, you can talk to trees!  And we can talk back.  In fact, we speak to you all of the time.  More and more of you are listening... Read on in Substack! Paid Subscription on Substack Recently channeled questions behind the paywall: 1.  Question: Why can't I feel powerful?  I think it's within me, but I can't ever seem to reach it.   Channel Source: Isis 2. Question:  What if someone is not good for me?   Channel Source:  Susan's Guides and Spirit Helpers.   3. Question:  Why can't I see auras?   Channel Source:  Susan's Guides and