The T-Shirt of the future: This is what New Earth looks like

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I’m really enjoying my new job at the coffee shop.  I now have an endearing appreciation for those who make our yummy coffee drinks.  Folks, if you haven’t tried it, IT’S WAY HARDER THAN IT LOOKS.  Be nice to your baristas.  And think about it, where would you be without them?  Seriously.  Do we want a world bereft of baristas?  I don’t think so!

And I adore my bosses (I have two).  Normally this would be a nightmare.  I know this because I have lived the nightmare of two - count them - two bosses.  It rarely ends well.  But these two ladies are rewriting the boss-book single handedly (or would that be duel handedly?).  These two dynamos are friends who decided they wanted to own a coffee shop together.  But not just any coffee shop.  This is a place of intentional community. The good energy is off the charts.

There is also a kids corner with durable toys and playthings.  My baby is 37 years old, so this arena is out of my scope now. But I do know that your average coffee hang out is not a fan of tiny humans.  I’d even go so far as to say that they can be covertly hostile towards them and their caregivers.  You parents of little ones out there, am I speaking truth here?  So, who goes against this trend?  I’ll tell you who, these two moms of tikes who know what it's like for mothers and fathers who want to quietly sip a Cup of Joe while keeping an eye on their kiddos who are gleefully playing and getting their social interaction time in.

Yesterday, as I was doing my barista thing, I turned around and there was my boss S.  She was wearing a cute T-shirt.  But then my eyes widened in shock when I realized what her shirt said.  In big, bold, beautiful letters, it was advertising our competitors!  Granted, it’s one of the best coffee shops in Boise.  But my mind was temporarily fritzed.  Then I got it.  While getting to know these ladies, it has become quite apparent to me that they are all about the 5th dimensional New Earth.  I doubt that’s the verbiage they would use.  But that’s my language of energy and that’s exactly what they have created in this community gathering space.  I told her that her shirt was very abundant in nature.  She looked at me quizzically.  She knows who I am and what I do when I’m not working coffee magic.  She knows I’m a psychic, an energy healer, and that I teach classes in manifestation, abundance, etc. But I don’t think she knows the details.  Well by golly, she doesn’t need my abundance class - she is living it.  I told her that the old paradigm that is currently crumbling is one of scarcity and lack.  For example, this belief system would say, “If you have it, then I don’t and so I need to take it from you; Or at the very least, I need to one-upmanship you in any way possible.”  As this old antiquated energy matrix is going away, simultaneously, the higher vibrational paradigm is birthing.  The new energy is not a top-down structure.  Just the opposite.  The Aquarian energy is one of inclusion.  Everyone has a seat at the table.  Everyone has a voice.  We make sure that everyone is taken care of.  This is the New Earth that is being created as I write.  It’s all around us and it’s all around the world.  

The “not enough” concept is a lie.  It does not stand up to the scrutiny nor the science of Universal Laws.  We exist in a truly abundant energy.  We can create ANYTHING we want.  We forget this simply because we are in a third dimensional (3D) planet and in a 3D body in order to have this human experience.  Or at least that has been the scenario for many thousands of years.  Now, the game has changed.  Mother Earth and everything/one on her is shifting from 3D to 4D and then to 5D.  It is happening now.  In these higher dimensions we remember and perceive that we are not separate.  We, in fact, are One.  That can be difficult for the human, 3D mind to comprehend.  Quiet practices such as meditation can help us tap into this Truth.  

In the meantime, we have cool reminders of this transition such as my boss's T-shirt.  When I asked her why she is wearing it at her own coffee store, she said while pointing to her shirt, “Oh, I love this place!”  And that ladies and gentlemen, is New Earth. 

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Susan Fullmer is a writer, conscious channel, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, energy healer, energy reader, teacher, mentor, group facilitator, nurse, and licensed massage therapist. She has been in private practice since 1990 with her business, Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer.

She draws from decades of study and practice in the healing arts including 35 years of nursing (both medical and mental health) and massage therapy (with extensive study in energy medicine).  Susan has a plethora of experience in group facilitation, public speaking, mentorship, and teaching classes and workshops.  In 2019 she graduated from Boise State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Multidisciplinary Studies with certificates in Leadership and Human Relations, and Dispute Resolution.


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