Blog Post #7 - I've got the secret decoder ring!

2 points extra credit post for Leadership 325

Blog Post #7

Good stuff I learned in class on 11/5/15

     In Leadership we saw videos on the Penn State scandal and talked about it's culture.  A culture that is spinning out of control takes a long time to get there.  And consequently, it takes a long time to correct itself again.  If it's too far gone, then it takes a big jolt and/or outside forces to cause corrections.  

     As an organizational leader you constantly have to guard against any sort of variation from the core mission and purpose and beliefs of your organization.  When you compromise once, it's hard.  But the tenth time it's easy.  Sometimes organizations just get in a habit of compromising.  Enough compromises over time gets you to a bad place.  

     A closed environment also harbors abuse.  If a culture is built or talks about how to keep people out of it, then it's probably a toxic culture or trending toxic.  If it's about how to keep ideas out, how to keep people out, how to protect the thing itself, it's probably a toxic culture.  

     It's hard to catch these trends towards toxicity.  But it's helpful to know the language, what these things are, and how they work.  There is no right way to catch it.  It depends on the organization.  But the first part is being able to see it.  Dr. S. calls it a secret decoder ring. Once you understand these things, you will be able to see them and decipher what is really going on.  It strips you of innocence, but it's better to know what's really happening.  



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