I am so pissed! I got the notification this afternoon that I'm enrolled as a student. OK, that's the good news and yippie for that. I only started this process on Monday (1/5/15) given the fact that I decided to go to school over the holidays so Monday was really the first day I could start the process of enrollment. And I had no clue how to do any of that. It's been countless hours of hunt and peck and many phone calls trying to figure out each step. But I'm good at that sort of thing and I'm figuring it out. But I digress. I've been trying to sign up for classes. The one class I really want is English 101. I figure it's the foundation for many other classes. I've got to know how to write a college paper among other things. Oh, I stumble through a blog alright I suppose and I get close to being correct on the grammatical front, I think. (Ha, not sure I quite made it with that sentence - but I'm leaving it in to p...
OK, I did it. I scheduled my spring term at BSU...which starts in less than 48 hours! I've totally been freaking out for two days about this since they sent me the official notification that I am a student and can now enroll. Between trying to figure out how to work the computer system to actually enroll myself in the classes, wanting classes that are mostly already filled, and trying to take classes that they say I don't need because I took them 35 years ago, has been a traumatic experience for me. Though perhaps I should pat myself on the back because I ONLY derailed for two days. I even made myself physically ill last night - a major crash and burn. But it was nothing that taking a nap, listening to Clockwork Prince (down loadable library book on OverDrive), and playing Candy Crush couldn't cure. All effective avoidance techniques that I highly recommend. But I'm still too freaked out to tell you what I actually signed up for. It's al...
What is wrong with me? I cannot get it together. Ever since I slowed way down over Thanksgiving break, I can't seem to speed it back up again. I actually have a shot of getting all As this semester, but not if I don't get this last week right. I have big stuff due...and I can't seem to make myself do it. I am in deep shit. I'm sure there is some psychological reason for all of this, but at the moment I have not an ounce of clarity as to what that might be. In the mean time, get your shit together Susan!
Wish I could be there for your first one!