I am a lousy, yet repentant BSU student


     I went to the Annual Family Holiday Concert at BSU last night.  I can't remember if I mentioned it here, but last spring semester I sang in the University Singers choir.  I hadn't sung in a choir for - millennia?  It was an amazing experience, but that story is for another blog post.

     I had heard that "my" choir would be singing in the holiday concert and I wanted to go.  There would also be the jazz band and orchestra.  I used to play the violin way back in the past century along with a variety of other instruments.  I love that shit!  It feels like home to me.  It's all I can do to stay seated in my chair and not jump up on stage and yell, "give me something to play and move over!".  (Not that I currently have the talent or ability to be able to do that - ah, but in my fantasy world I am rockin' it)  It did take super human strength however, not to sing along with Handel's Messiah.  That, I could currently do and I would have dearly loved it.  Those people sitting around me owe me a huge debt of gratitude for I was a good girl and stayed quiet.

     But now for confession time.  Just before the intermission, the marching band came out lining the stage and all long the walls.  And this is no ordinary auditorium.  The Morrison Center is a premier performance hall that houses such things as the the Philharmonic, Opera and all kinds of touring groups - my favorite being the broadway shows.  I don't know how many people were there last night, but it seats 2,000 and it looked pretty full to me.  Well, as the band came out playing a rousing tune, the whole audience jumped to their feet and started to sing.  I thought, "Hmmm, this must be my fight song".  How do I not know this?  How is it possible that I am a college student and I don't even know my own fight song?  OK, I'm relatively new to Boise and I sort of snuck in the back door at the last minute as a student...but that was a year ago.  Shame on me.

     And since I'm on a roll - confession #2.  I haven't been to a football game.  This could account for confession #1.  It's on my bucket list to do before I graduate, honest.  I like football well enough, though I'm not a huge fan.  I just don't know anyone who goes to the games and I don't want to go alone.  But I have seen the blue football field.  Strange, but cool.

     So hear me now.  I am turning over a new leaf.  Football attendance has just moved up the priority list.  Though I may need to change that to basketball as I suspect the season is over now.  No matter, it will happen.  And I will learn the fight song now!  No, that's a lie.  I will learn the fight song just as soon as finals are over!

Susan's Crib Notes  
(I'm writing this on my arm right now)

Fight Broncos, celebrate the orange and blue
Boise, we'll stand and cheer for you
Fight for distinction & our alma mater
Bravely defending B-S-U!
Fight on Courageously for Boise State
Success and honor make her great
Boise's proud tradition-
Head's up competition-
Glory for B - S - U
Go! Orange!
Go! big! blue!
Fight! Fight! B-S-U! 


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