Pinch a Planet

     I saw, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" today in 3D at IMAX.  Beyond cool.  I felt like I could reach out and pinch a planet on Luke's map, or caress the mask of Kylo Ren.  Though why anyone would want to do the later is beyond me.  Creepy. 

     I know why humanity clicks with movies like Star Wars and Harry Potter.  It's because we are magic.  The force is around us and within us.  And we don't have to be a Jedi to utilize it to our advantage.  When I teach others how to use energy to create and to heal, I feel like my main task is to validate.  Yes, you do feel what you feel.  Yes, you do know what you know.  And, yes, you do have the passions and powers that are simply who you are.  Most of us don't grow up in communities that support this, let alone teach it.  We as a human race are hungry to understand these natural gifts and abilities.  We will continue to go see the story until we learn that we are the story.


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