Another Oral Presentation...with media

     This one was for Leadership 325 and it was with a partner.  I created this PowToon from scratch!  The first two panels took me longer than all of the rest.  But once I got the hang of it I had so much fun.  My creative side was in full bloom that day.

     We were assigned a partner and given a book list of options to read.  My partner, Cody, and I chose the book, "David and Goliath:  Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants" by Malcolm Gladwell.  We were not to give a book report, but rather we were to tell what information we had gleaned that would be helpful to leaders.  It was an interesting book and it had a chapter on successful people with dyslexia that I found especially validating.  It was worth the read just for that.  There were times that I thought, "Duh, of course", when he was belaboring a point that seemed common sence knowledge.  But all in all, a good read.

     I designed this PowToon as an introduction to our presentation.  Enjoy!


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