My Hollywood Pitch

      Here's my first assignment in UF 300.  It stands for University Foundations and it's an upper devision general education type of class.  We are going to learn cool things like citizenship, ethics, diversity and internationalization.  I'm serious, that's the stuff I came back to school to learn.  Yippie!

     I don't know if it's because I worked the last three nights, had about 4 hours of sleep last night, had an early morning math class today, or what...but this assignment strikes me as a little silly.  Or until I started reading everyone else's post on the Discussion Board.  Wow, to hear other people's stories is so humbling to me.  Humanity is awe inspiring.  When you think you have it bad, just look around folks.

     OK, the assignment is to introduce myself by imagining that I have written a screenplay of my life and I am convinced that it is amazing material for a film.  I go to a major studio and "sell" my story in 250 words.  

     Again, maybe it's because I'm punch drunk tired, but I decided to not hold back, and pull out some of the crazy ass things I have done in my life.  Nothing like putting all my cards on the table and then some...on the very first day of school.  Good Lord.  

My Hollywood Pitch

     A 54-year-old women walks onto the Boise State campus with an arm full of books and a lost look on her face.  It is apparent that it is the first day of the semester and she feels out of place, but determined.  The audience wonders, “why is she there?”. 
     Flash back to various episodes of her life full of eclectic, wonderful and strange experiences.  Like the time she lived in Venezuela doing humanitarian work.  She struggled to learn the language, but with hardly any English speakers around, she had no choice.  There will be funny scenes like the one with her trying to get directions in the middle of the night at the bus station.  She has just arrived in Venezuela and the Spanish she knows doesn’t seem to be the Spanish everyone else is speaking.  A helpful group of about 20 people gather looking at the piece of paper with the address of where she will be living.  They are all in a heated discussion as to where this house is located and they are all pointing in different directions, each seemingly sure that they know where it is.
     There will be other scenes from various periods of her life:  being a nurse for 34 years, owning her own business as a massage therapist and psychic, being an energy healer and teacher, being on the Oprah Winfrey show for starting a national organization for spouses and partners of gays and lesbians, riding a Ducati Monster 696, and on and on. 

     She finally decides she wants to try something new and ends up on the BSU campus getting a BA in Multidisciplinary Studies with certificates in Leadership and Dispute Resolution.  Life keeps getting better!


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