Punishable Sin?
I used to be so intimidated by the process of buying school books each semester. It doesn't help that I find books themselves intimidating. And libraries, and just about anything with shelves of books...like a school bookstore! I found the whole thing confusing and overwhelming. And it didn't help that I had this unrealistic fear that I would show up to class on the first day, with the wrong books. Is that a punishable sin? What exactly did I think they were going to do with me if I did show up with the wrong books? And by the way, it happens. I've seen it - thank goodness not to me. But to my knowledge, no one has been repremended, banished from school, or exploded because of it. I think I'm safe if I were to have a future inadvertent bookstore mishap.
I now know how to peruse the shelves and read the signs to find the classes and corresponding assigned literature. And I know how to get on line and fine the same information. But with my squirrelly, dyslexic view, I am prone to confusion. So, just incase I might explode, I want to avoid making a mistake if at all possible. Here is my nearly foolproof method of finding the right books. I hand my class list to a very young, yet capable bookstore employee and say in my most pleasant voice, "Could you help me find these books?" It works like a charm.
It is wise to note that there are sections that are much too scary, and should be given a wide birth all together.
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