One more media. Mastered!

     This is an assignment for UF 300 (a University Foundations general ed type class).  We were to write our life story, and display it in an electron concept map.  Why do so many teachers seemed to be obsessed with our life stories?  I think it's to help us learn to be reflective about our lives, see connections, learn stuff.  That's all great and good, but I do that on a daily basis.  I'm always looking at the energy of my day/life, looking for patterns, discovering wounds that need to be healed, and joy to be had.  I sort of want to move on to something new.  But for the sake of a good grade, and to be the exemplary student that I am, once again - my story.


My Story Concept Map


     On March 17, 1982 I graduated as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) with the hopes of going back to school and getting my Registered Nurse’s (RN) degree someday.  Well, as you can imagine, that “someday” never came.  Instead I took a path (or perhaps better stated, “many paths”), that lead me to an amazing life of places, people and events that I do not regret for one moment.

     Except to take about a year off when my son was born in 1986, I have worked in nursing for the past 34 years in many capacities.  Along the way I grew rather boarded with nursing so when my son was old enough, instead of getting my RN as I had always planned, I went back to school and in 1994 became a licensed massage therapist.  What a wonderful experience that was!  It was a dream come true to have my own business and do something that I loved.  I continued working agency nursing during this time so that I could pick up shifts if I needed extra money, and to keep my license current.

     I then started working for the VA where I spent 10 years as the team nurse, and then a nurse case manager for their intensive outpatient psychiatric program.  I also taught classes in the mental health clinic on a variety of subjects such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Management, and Mindfulness and Depression.  But again, I was ready for a change so the next year and a half, I spent as the Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist and Minority Veterans Program Coordinator.  In these jobs I dealt with a wide variety of things such as Reasonable Accommodations (employees with disabilities), harassment in the workplace, and helping minority Veterans maneuver the VA system.  This experience is what planted the seed for me to go back to school and do something other than nursing.

     I started Boise State University a year ago with the intention of getting my RN.  I wasn’t interested in being a nurse per say, but I do want a bachelor’s degree with the possibility of getting a masters degree.  Last summer I changed my major to Multidisciplinary Studies which is a better fit for me.  I love this degree because I get to design my own curriculum, which now includes certificates in Leadership and Dispute Resolution.  For fun, I like to spend time with my large extended family, and especially my adult son.  I also ride a Ducati Monster 696 motorcycle, and dance the yearly Thriller dance at Halloween with a group of fun people. 

     I had never done a concept map electronically before, so I checked out all of the cites provided in Black Board.  I chose Spicynodes because they are free, but also because I like that their company is promoting education and learning opportunities around the world.  I then looked for a style that would fit what I thought I wanted to do.  I liked the concept of multiple layered bubbles.  I am a visual/audio learner so I found a U Tube site that showed and talked about how to use this system, and that made it easier for me to understand and implement what I had learned.  Now that I know how to create a map with Spicynodes, I plan to use it in the future for other class and work assignments. 

     My biggest challenge is that I have so many life experiences that I could have literally had dozens of bubbles.  So, my first step was to narrow down and chose those things that are most meaningful and important in my life.  My first insight was to see, in simple layout, what is most important to me:  My family, school, professional life, and fun.  My second insight was to realize that I’m just not having that much fun these days.  I attribute this to my time in school and study.  Because I want to do well in school and graduate, I don’t want to change that balance at this point in my life, but I look forward to the day when I can add more fun back into my life.


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