I’ve known since last spring that something big was coming this fall. I could feel it. And a handful of my intuitive friends could feel it too. Unbidden, and at odd times, they would independently make some kind of comment like, “Oh, wow, you have a big change coming up for you this fall. A statement from any one of these powerhouse/intuitively-plugged-in women would be enough for me to know it was truth. But to have several of them say the same thing, plus my own inner knowing - I knew it was coming. But what? By the time fall hit, my mind had churned out all kinds of possibilities: A new job that actually pays a substantial amount of money, a move from Boise, a new and important romantic relationship. Nope. I now know what the big event is; I am working the 12 step program to overcome my lifelong addictive behaviors. Not what I was hoping for. ______________________________ Sandy's Response: Hi, such a poignant p...