Love Note to Colette Baron-Reid

Bless you Colette Baron-Reid, wherever you are.  My two favorite divination decks come from you.  Your wise words and deep insights have helped me in ways that I cannot express.  

Today I drew one of her cards.  I no longer do the usual reading - ask a question and then pull a card.  Spirit already knows what I need to hear.  Why not just bypass my silly mind chatter/judgments/questions and get to the heart of what Spirit wants me to know?  So that’s what I do.  I don’t even pull a card unless I feel there is a message waiting there for me.  After I meditated this morning, I felt that very thing.  I asked Spirit, “What is the question?”  I was told, “Draw a card out of the brown deck that will talk about what is up for you today”.   

Wishing Well
From The Enchanted Map
By Colette Baron-Reid
(aka per Spirit - The Brown Deck)

Desire is the sacred impulse for life.  Feel it, but let go of all attachment to ownership.  Be awakened to the presence of unseen forces that enable new beginnings.  Divine intelligence activates the field of possibilities where new life is co-created in a magical way.  Neither you nor anyone else can know how or why this happens.  It just does.  

To that end, you can’t control the process of growth.  Rather, you must step aside to be a channel for higher forces and relinquish any attachment to how this new creation should appear, or when.  Form your intention, and take action by dropping the coin into the Wishing Well; then trust in Spirit.  Prepare to be amazed.  

What strikes me about this card today, is for me to make my intention, let go, and then be present.  It reminds me of something Maria Anderson said in the reading she did for me not long ago.  (See Post, "It's call scarcity").  She said, “Don’t look for the top of the mountain.  Don’t predetermine what it will look like.”

I have been looking for the top of the mountain.  What will this all look like when I’m finished?  That mind set robs me of so many things, such as enjoying the moment.  There are a lot of beautiful things to see and do along this mountain trail.  Every step is precious, not just the last one.  What have I lost if I’m always looking for the end?  And I know, no matter how much I try, I will never be able to fathom what my life will look like without my addictive behaviors.  

I let go and stay present.

Sandy's Response:

Intriguing card and one that is very relevant to what you are doing right now. I don’t know what your life will look like into the future without addictive behaviors, but you can see how your day is going and enjoy those moments. The trail today and yesterday and tomorrow are plenty to look at and absorb.

Interestingly, I just heard a commencement speech by Tim Minchin, who’s a musician and comedian. He was talking about life lessons and one of them is 1. You Don’t Have To Have A Dream. “I advocate passionate dedication to the pursuit of short-term goals. Be micro-ambitious. Put your head down and work with pride on whatever is in front of you… you never know where you might end up. Just be aware that the next worthy pursuit will probably appear in your periphery. Which is why you should be careful of long-term dreams. If you focus too far in front of you, you won’t see the shiny thing out the corner of your eye. Right?”

So Susan, he’s agreeing with you and Maria. Don’t worry about what the top of the mountain looks like. Enjoy those shiny, peripheral things. :)

Susan’s Response:

Oh, I like that quote! Micro-ambitious!


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