
I have had acne since I was a teenager.  Every year I would think, “This is when I finally outgrow my acne”.  But no, and at age 56, seemingly never.  I now know that this is caused by Leaky Gut Syndrome.  But for most of my life it has been a mystery.  As a nurse, I know that it means that the body isn’t releasing toxins properly and/or there are too many toxins for the body to handle adequately so the body tries to release more of them through the skin.  It’s a survival mechanism really.  I assumed that’s what was going on, but I didn’t have a clue as to why I would have so many toxins, or how to fix it.  Well, that’s not entirely true.  I’ve known about my  dairy allergy since I was in my early 20s - though I didn’t understand how badly it was effecting me, just that I would get a stuffy nose and sore throat.  And I’ve know about my gluten allergy for a decade or so.  But again, I didn’t understand how really harmful it was to me.  What I have recently learned is that antibiotic use (and other factors) can cause a highly toxic environment in the body.  Consequently, I now understand why I have acne and will continue to do so as long as my body remains in that state.

For several years as a teenager, I took antibiotics daily for acne.  It did nothing to clear my face in the long term.  But that was the medical belief of the day and as I desperately wanted it to go away, I was a compliant patient and took the medication as ordered.  Meanwhile, I never knew what it was doing to the good and important bacteria of my gut (antibiotics kills them off along with the bad bacteria).  The medical world is just now understanding the importance of good gut flora.  Do some research, if you are interested.  For example, check out what they are discovering about the connection between the gut and the brain.  Healthy gut is imperative!  

I think I have been ill and getting progressively worse since that long course of antibiotics so many years ago.  And of course I have used antibiotics since then without replenishing my gut flora, so it just adds fuel to my illness fire.  I don’t remember a time when I have felt well.  And I don’t remember a time when I have had clear skin.  Until about two days ago when I started noticing a change.  I happened to touch my face and froze.  It was so smooth!  I didn’t expect that to happen - though I should have.  And I’m still amazed that it has happened so quickly as I’m only on day 8 of my sobriety.  

Earlier this week, when I had a sense that my sobriety from toxic foods would change everything in my life, I wasn’t kidding!

Side Note:  Let me put on my energy-medicine-practitioner hat for a moment and say that energetically, acne is about self hatred.  And I had plenty of that.  I now understand that it was rooted from my abuse history.  As I have worked on healing over the years, the self hatred has abated.  I know that my acne is healing from all the above.  We cannot separate the energy from the physical.  Physical follows energy.  Move the energy and the rest will move.  

Sandy's Response:

Argh! Acne, the bane of my existence. Well, that and the extra weight. So glad you blogged about this, because it is an amazing side benefit. Your skin is happy, not having to try and get rid of toxins. What a nice thing you’re doing for it. I love the idea of mind body connection and it’s something you’ve been good at teaching me, along with loving my body more.


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