The List

I’m on Day #4 of sobriety from toxic foods.  I’ve been afraid to list them here in the blog because… well, that would make it very real and scary.  It feels easier to keep my secret of what I’m really doing.  But I am also wise enough to know that that format keeps me isolated from support from others.  It also doesn’t allow for accountability.  And I know where that has gotten me in the past - nowhere.  A whole lot of Same.  So, with some trepidation, I will share The List.  Abstaining from all the below listed foods is what I am calling my sobriety.

These are the toxic foods that make me very ill:


These are the foods that I should not be eating in order to treat my Leaky Gut Syndrome:

Above list
I can have tea but preferably without caffeine

I woke up this morning with the realization that I feel a bit better physically.  I’ve made jibs and jabs at “eating clean” many times and always with the same result - I start to feel better.  But that’s as far as I would allow myself to go because anxiety would seize, and I would eat my soothies to calm the rearing, roaring monster.   The difference this morning is that I wasn’t freaking out about it.  In fact, I felt perfectly calm!  That my friends, is a fuckin’ modern day miracle.  I really don’t know what to say about it.  I’m feeling baffled.  


Sandy's Response:

A brave and inspiring post. Naming the things you want to abstain from, and doing it in the presence of others, takes away the food’s power and gives that power to you. They’re just items; ones that you are putting aside to achieve a healthier mind and body. :) I love that you felt calm today. Yes, you are standing in your power.


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