Travel Log 7/3/2022: From Boise Idaho to Challis Idaho

Big road trip under way!  I'm meeting my sister in Montana and then we are driving to Tennessee!  I'm so ready to get out of town, and we will be driving through places I have never seen before.  I love to see new places and feel their energy.  I guess I should back up a bit and tell you that several days after I wrote the blog, "At the Kids Table" my dream job manifested into the 3D.  It checks all of the boxes.  This magic manifestation shit is real!  (More on that in a later blog.)  In the meantime, I will tell you that I have quit my day job and I couldn't be happier.  Along with my new dream job, I am also diving deep with my own business of 32 years as a healer, physic, teacher, mentor, and group facilitator.  Currently I have three online classes coming up and three groups that are happening - some online and some in person if you should happen to be in Boise Idaho.  I'm very excited about all of this as my business expresses my true soul's passion.  See my website for more details:

Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer

And so, back to the road.  I left Boise on July 3rd heading north.  I moved to Idaho about eight years ago and for about that long, I have been wanting to explore the interior of Idaho.  If you haven't heard yet, it's an amazingly beautiful state.  It's also rugged and I was a bit scared to go it alone.  But the desire to see this land has never gone away and that tells me there is something there for me to do.  I even bought a map of Idaho and an atlas of the US.  We are talking paper here folks, old school.  But I love to look at the whole map at one time; leaning in for a closer observation without the map jumping all about, zooming in or out too far.  

My trip to Montana would take about ten and a half hours.  Ideally, I wanted to stop overnight somewhere at least at the halfway point, if not farther to shorten my drive on the second day.  But being the gal who dictates her life by what Spirit and her Guides tell her, no such luck.  I was most definitely told to stay in Challis.  So Challis it is.  I have no idea why, I just know that's where I need to be. 

  • Later

I had made a reservation at a small motel in Challis.  The sign in the office stated for all to see, "We are not the Hilton, but we pride ourselves in having a clean place."  Hmmm, that didn't inspire confidence.  True to their word, it was clean and the spectacular 2nd floor view of the entire valley made up for the rest.  I had planned to go to the local hot springs, but the King of the Mountains told me not to go as the energy there would be harmful to me.  Did I mention that I met the King of the Mountains?  I was scanning my balcony view of the land, sensing why I was there and what I was to do.  Over the past decade or so I have been performing land healings which has helped to shift the energy of the planet - not to mention helping all of the beings living on the planet.  This turned out to be no exception.  As I intuitively scanned my balcony view, all of nature pointed me in the direction of one of the mountains where I sensed the "leader" of this land nestled within.  He introduced himself as the above mentioned title and asked for my help.  He said he would like a healing for the valley because the energy is not good - "It's not good for the nature and it's not good for the people."  I was honored to do so.  I went into my room and went into a deep meditation within sacred space.

I found the surface layer of the valley floor to be tainted, but this was no surprise.  The king was correct, it wasn't good and it was doing harm to all of the living things here.  I cleared it out with the help of my powerful Spirit Helpers.  But then the real work began.  As is so often the case when I am doing a healing, the surface layer of the taint is simply being used as camouflage for a greater evil beneath.  For this part of the healing, I was told to go into my heart where I found a beautiful, intricately carved, crystal sphere which I held in my hands.  I was then told to crush it which I did.  The light post-smash was magnificent and I sent it to the center of the earth.  This dissipated and released the deeper evil in the valley.  But it also affected the world.  The light shines brightly from the center of the earth now as it permeates out towards the surface.  My sense is that it will continue to grow in strength and reach.  

The next morning I was again taking in the magnificent view - sweeter now because of the cleansing.  I checked in with the king and to my surprise, he was now a she.  The valley had a queen.  I was told by Spirit that because of the imbalance of the old tainted energy, everything had been lopsided and now everything was turned upside down (in a good way - in a way of righting itself).  I was pondering on this and looking at her when she began to change again.  This time she shifted into the rest of the scenery.  She became one with it all.  There is no more hierarchy here in the valley.  All are equal and all are present.  For a moment I struggled to understand what I was seeing.  And then it dawned on me, it's a manifestation of all that we are moving into.  So the Aquarian Age. 

What I know after today: Things are truly changing on this planet. It is manifesting everywhere.


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