Travel Log 7/4/2022: Wisdom

Leaving Challis this morning, I headed north on highway 93 which meanders along the scenic Salmon River through the town of Salmon and then on up into Montana where I made a sharp right at a mountain summit onto highway 43.  As I came down into the lower valley I became the tail end of not one, but two small town fourth of July parades!  I’d almost forgotten it was the 4th.  A few people waved so I smiled and waved back.  What else was I to do?  I stopped in Wisdom Montana to find a coffee and a bathroom - not in that order.  They were so nice there.  I don’t know if it was because everyone was in a jovial holiday mood or that’s just the way they do things in Wisdom, but the people were friendly and the coffee was free!  I did ask how they got their name (one of the coolest town names I have ever heard).  I was told that Lewis and Clark traveled through this valley on their way to the Pacific Ocean.  They were happy with the decision of the then president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, regarding the finalization of the Louisiana Purchase which included much of Montana.  They thought it a wise move so they named the river Wisdom and the town that came later took on the name as well. 

I’m on the freeway now and approaching big cities and dense civilizations.  I’m kind of sad about that. I’ve spent the last two days in rugged backcountry and I’m not feeling ready to leave it.  I kept telling Mother Earth how splendid she looks as I gawked at stunning scene after scene.  I am so in awe of her.  I have teared up more than once today by the sheer beauty of it all. 

What I know after today: We live on a magnificent planet. And, some people are nice even when they don't have to be.


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