Travel Log 7/6/2022: The Rim

This afternoon I set out to get some juice for my sister and me.  She isn’t feeling well and I found a great place that makes the best juicer-juice.  Nothing but the veggies!  It would be a supportive boost for both of our immune systems - hers for healing and mine for guarding.  After the acquisition of juice and sundry items, I was heading back when Spirit told me to turn left… and keep going.  I traveled the better part of the valley.  It was a spectacular view of a long running rim of sandstone.  Eighty million years ago this was the shore of the Western Interior Seaway from Mexico to the Arctic North.  Now it’s a pretty view.  And this can be said from down below where I drove it’s length and also from up above where my sister and brother-in-law live.  I felt like Spirit was telling me it was important that I view the entirety of this particular land mass, which I did from end to end.  And then I headed back wondering if a land healing was in my near future.  Ya think?!

I settled in, laying on my bed looking out of the window at a stand of pine trees and listening to birdsong.  I called to the Nature of this place as I opened sacred space.   Completing layer after layer of healing on the land beneath me, this process finally took me to a very deep and dark place that I felt more than hesitant to approach.  I always ask permission to heal; my wise teachers taught me that long ago.  It’s basic healing 101 and it keeps us healers clear of our egos that might want to “fix everything” and tread where we do not belong.   This dark place felt like a cancer to me and a very different kind of healing all together, so I approached Mother Earth again and asked her if she wanted this healing to be done.  She shied back in horror and fear.  Ok, that freaked me out.  I have never seen Mother be anything but the wise, powerful being that she is.  I breathed deeply to center myself and I asked her what I felt drawn to say which was, “What is your fear about Mother?”   At first her answer was muddled with garbled words and pictures I could not understand.  But I sat with her and let her work out her frustration and fear.  Slowly a picture came to my mind of a horrible being from ancient times who implanted twelve of these black spheres all over the world. This was one of them and it felt like all things evil.  It has caused problems for her ever since.  After awhile, she agreed to have them healed.  My focus was on the one deep beneath me but when all was done I was told there would be a snowball effect and that all twelve sites around the world would be healed as well.  This was tough work but was done with the expert help of my powerful Spirit Helpers.  Both Mother Earth and I went into a deep sleep of rejuvenation after I was done. 

What I know after today: Mother is working through her shit just like the rest of us.


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