Travel Log 7/9/2022: Zebra Talk

I opened up my laptop and the screen showed a wonderful aerial photo of a group of zebras on the move.  It felt like there was a message there for me so I asked and sure enough, the zebras had something to say.  I have been getting messages this morning about how much my sister loves me and I love her.  This may not seem like much but with someone with an abuse history, feeling the love (even if it’s genuinely there) can be difficult.  That has been a main theme of my life’s journey and my healing path continues to bring me to a deeper and deeper sense of the love that surrounds me.  It is truly humbling and awe inspiring.  

This has also been an issue with my family at large.  I am the black sheep.  I left the norms of my family’s structure long ago.  Some have been more accepting of me than others.  I have come to peace with that.  I would rather be hated for who I am (real me) than loved for who I am not (fake me).  But an astounding miracle has happened.  I don’t know if it’s time passing or my perception has been off all along, but family members are opening up to me more and more.  Turns out, I am loved.  It was a beautiful reminder when the zebra's message told me, “I am in a herd that loves me.” 

I then looked up the spirit meaning of zebras.  If that doesn’t describe me, I don’t know what does. Turns out this black sheep is a zebra! 

  • The zebra, as a spirit animal, is a representation of free spirit. It explains the fact that despite their social nature, they have never been tamed by humankind. It is not easy to force zebra spirit animal people to do something. They are quite energetic and free-spirited.

What I know after today: I'm okey with being a free spirit.


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