I've been contemplating how truly unusual it is that I am blogging. It's a platform where I speak my truth. Remember that I am a female born in 1960. Although the women's movement was happening in the world, it wasn't happening in my world. I was a child of abuse who grew up in a conservative, strictly patriarchal society where I was constantly told that except to serve others, I was not to be seen and certainly not to be heard. If I spoke in a public platform, it was to give reference to the holy words of others. I was taught to pray and receive inspiration, but if "my inspiration" landed outside a strict guideline, I was at best, "wrong" and at worse, "of the devil". As far as my own true thoughts, feelings, and holy words, I had no real say. I quickly learned that speaking my truth was unacceptable, and punishable, so I stuffed it down where it was forgotten for a long, long time. It's astounding that ...