Deepak Said, Oprah Said: Forgiveness Sets Me Free
There are a handful of things I have done in my life where I can look back and see clearly, that it distictly changed the trajectory of my life for the better. Having an alter in my home to create a designated sacred space is one of those things. Meditating daily with Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra is another. Today's meditation was on forgiveness and almost every sentence blew me away. I had to write about it.
- Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different, letting go of the past that I thought I wanted. These words can absolutely set me free in my life and in my relationships if I allow them to.
- Letting go is a choice.
- I limit myself to being open to other people when I hold on to pain and hold on to resentment.
- That hurt feeling that I have been feeling for so long, it is nothing more than my ego's response to a person or situation. The truth is, I am choosing to let that feeling hold power over me.
- To find forgiveness is to find freedom. The moment I gain that, I liberate my own well being as well as make room inside for more compassion for everybody else around me.
- Dr. Martin Luther King Junior wrote, "Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude". This level of consciousness, when integrated into daily life, begins to transform our relationships along with our health and well being.
- Forgiveness begins with the recognition that actions perceived as hurtful or wrong are the perception of the ego, not the Higher Self.
- The ego moves us to seek justice or revenge, to right a perceived wrong.
- The Higher Self, however, knows that the universe will rebalance all actions at the appropriate time in the appropriate way in accord with the whole cosmos, not just the view of one person's hurt feelings.
- When I forgive, I am allowing that process to unfold instead of holding on to my ego's point of view.
- Forgiveness is a courageous act of trust and compassion. One that comes with a bountiful reward of healing, love, light and liberation for our bodies, minds, and spirits.
- When I find that I am holding on to pain or resentment connected to a person or situation I am in essence, holding on to memories from the past.
- On this journey we are now choosing to live love in every moment. Love exists, not in the past but in the present moment.
- The beauty of this choice is that as I forgive another, I am actually choosing freedom for my own soul.
- Through forgiveness, I free myself from attachments from the past and I clear encumbrances that constrict my heart, helping to expand my ability to love and be loved.
- As I embarrass the practice of forgiveness I recognize that this natural process brings me closer to my essential nature and this part of my spiritual evolution.
- Each time I let go of emotions connected to the past, I invite increased peace and wellbeing into my life.
- People, situations and circumstances begin to fall into place. Love and joy come to me and flow from me effortlessly. Life becomes a rice, entreasured adventure.
Thanks guys!
Thank you for sharing this, Susan! :)