Sunday, January 9, 2022

My Hermit's Cave

Like the hermit's of old, I have a cave of meditation. They would go into the deep, dark, dank earth for solace and solitude. In that quiet place they could go within themselves to find their connection with the Divine. I have been sitting in my house-cave for longer than the pandemic has been around. Two months before that hit, I graduated from Boise State University. School has a way of killing one's social life. So, between these two back to back life events, I've been sitting fairly quiet for the past five or six years, with the last two being especially still. An imposed vow of silence. What does Pema Chodron call it? I believe it's, "Hot Loneliness." It means being, "Pregnant with the desire to escape it." Now, doesn't that just hit the nail on the head! What can make us squirm more than our own company? 

As soon as COVID hit my awareness, I turned to my Wise Ones. What is this and what does it mean for me? All of the feedback I got was the same, "Go in and get quiet." Truth be told, I did not go gentle into that good night. I raged against what felt like death (and hey, "quiet" can lead to the death of the ego - so, yea I was fighting against death). So with much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth on my part, I stumbled along in pain. I would cry to my Wise Ones, "Why?!" And again and again the answer would not waver, "Go in and get quiet." So I stepped up my yoga and my meditation, inching my way to a calmer state. And that is where I am at today - a calmer state. I no longer hate my cave of isolation. In fact, I cherish it and I look forward to my quiet movements and meditations. And best of all, no deep, dark, dank, dirt floors for me. My hermit's cave has a chandelier.  

Saturday, January 8, 2022

The good, the bad, and the ugly

New ETs keep coming in. I was introduced to a new group a few nights ago and holy cow, talk about powerful! The high vibration of these folks would knock your socks off. I so enjoy being in their company. It seems something big is about to happen on our planet but I don't have the details. How can the world not feel this? My guess is more and more humans are catching on. My only suggestion here is to pay attention to the vibrational energy of the extraterrestrials you are dealing with; There are the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Four Stones

Four stones which had fit nicely in the palm of my hand, are gone now. I had already planned on taking them back to Mother Earth as they had recently told me that's where they wanted to go now - one specifically wanted to be in water. When they heard I was going to the zoo a couple of days ago, they asked me to take them along. I said, "Of course." 

It's hard letting go of friends. I'm talking about all varieties: Stones, helping spirits, humans. But I have learned that when it's time to part ways, holding tightly does not feel better in the end. Best to go with the flow of life and let it be. Actually, it's a great argument for living in the moment, cuz that's all we've got folks. And in the next moment if our friend is gone, we can be at peace that we had not squandered our time with them.

These particular stones had been with me for some time; they were acquired along my life's journey. But I have long known that I do not possess my friends (of any variety). When they show me it's time to move along, I trust them. These four friends are at the zoo now spreading their magnificent energy in the little stream that runs through that sacred place with its sacred inhabitants. I love you friends. Thank you for the time we spent together. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Conversations at the Zoo

The 100 year old tortoise is sick. I know this because he told me, "I don't feel good." But this was no surprise as the sign posted at his zoo exhibit states, "Under Veterinarian Observation." Poor guy. Another sign told me that this kind of tortoise can live up to 250 years. So maybe not an old age thing? Maybe a captivity thing? I have mixed emotions about keeping animals in zoos. For years I couldn't go to zoos because I could feel that many of the animals weren't happy. But I have been drawn to the zoo a few times in recent years. Thankfully, I have a local zoo that treats their animals well. At least the message I get from most of the animals is that they feel taken care of, though some miss the freedom of the open. But they also tell me on a soul level this is what they chose. I don't understand all of that, but I'll go with it. I know that for me personally, the ability to see such spectacular beasts is awe inspiring. To speak with them face to face is a humbling honor. 

This morning, Spirit told me to go to the zoo. I hadn't been there in a while and I was excited to see my friends. The snow leopards in particular were an initial, integral connection with the extraterrestrials I have been working with these past couple of years. I have such a deep love and reverence for these magnificent cats that I cannot even put it into words. Plus they are gorgeous. That long, heavy tail gets me every time. 

Speaking of snow leopards, we have two. The male said he was okey-dokey (my exact works, not his). But the female was not ok. Chatting with her she told me she was troubled because she wanted to have a baby. I asked her why she couldn't have a baby and she gave me some vague, fearful answer about how she thought the humans would take it away and do it harm so she would not allow herself to get pregnant. Now, I don't have any knowledge about zoo policy on such things, but I suspected she didn't have the right of it. But I also didn't want to lie to her. Do zoos take away snow leopards' babies? Geesh, how do I get myself in such predicaments? I asked Spirit to give me the right words and said, "The zoo humans will treat your baby as well as they treat you." She contemplated that for awhile, and by the time I left it felt like she saw the situation in a whole new light and was ready to have a baby. At this point the male got up and started to pace back and forth, back and forth. I'm thinking, one gets settled and now the other's not at peace. Now what? He said, "I'm going to be a father soon." Excited? Nervous? Probably both. 

I had many wonderful conversations today. And I'm quite pleased to say that the tortoise agreed to the healing that I offered. As always, my Guides and Spirit Helpers did the lion share of the healing (zoo reference - I crack myself up). I could never do it without their help. I am forever grateful. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

How To - Get a "yes" or "no" answer from your body

This technique is used when the answer to your question is going to be a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I use this on a near daily basis with anything from, "What do I want to order on the menu?" to "Do I want to take this job?" Let me break this down a little bit. 

Our body is wise. It is in cahoots with our soul. They know who we are and why we are here. And best of all, they know how we can get there! Choices. Do we go left or do we go right? The answer to that question is always going to depend on who we ask and what their agenda is. Everyone has an agenda, even if they are not clear about it. (hint: just because people are operating from their own unclear agenda, our intuitive abilities can see clearly the What and the Why and then we can act accordingly - just because other people are muddled, that doesn't mean that we need to be)

The real question is, what do we want to know and whose agenda do we want to use? To explain this technique, I will use me as an example. My clear and consistent agenda is, I want to make my decisions (all decisions) based on what is best for me, my soul's purpose, and my body. (hint: they are all the same) One may think that something like choosing food at a restaurant may not be as weighty as Soul Business, but I disagree. Everything I do is Soul Business. You may also think that if I tune into what my body/soul wants at a restaurant or at the grocery store, that I will always be told to get super healthy food. Sometimes that is true, but not always. When I started to do this I was shocked that sometimes my body wanted a specific treat. Granted, most of the treats I was told to get were on the healthier side but not always. I came to realize that I was thrilled with these decisions. It was truly what I wanted. I felt joy. I'm using a food example here because for me, this was always a minefield. With my abuse history, food and weight were my escape from the emotional pain. Listening to my body was something that I didn't really start doing until I was in my 50s. This technique has helped me know what my body truly wants and how to feel joy about my decisions. But this is only one example, this technique can be used for any decision making process. 

HOW TO: Get quiet and pay attention to how your body feels and how it reacts when you say certain statements out loud. Have a short list of statements to which you know the answer is a definite "yes" or "no." For example, "I like the color indigo blue." Now practice. It's that simple. Once you think you know how your body is reacting to the statements try the same thing in question form. For example, "Do I like the color indigo blue? The more you do this, the stronger you will feel and recognize your body's answer/response. I have found that whatever that response is, it will stay consistent. I have done this for many years and mine has never changed. 

I have found when teaching this technique over the years, that everyone's response is different. You may feel different sensations in different parts of your body. Figure out what your unique signal is. For example, for me, I feel a rising in my torso for a "yes" and a sinking in my torso for a "no." I once met someone that had the exact opposite than me -  a sinking feeling in their gut for a "yes" and a rising feeling for a "no."  

Hint about your practice statements: Be careful that you are using a clear "yes" or "no" statement. For example, I could say, "I like ice cream." The truth is, I love the taste of ice cream, but I am allergic to dairy and it makes me sick. You can see how that statement might cause some confusion in the answer. Stick with statements that are simple and true on all levels.