My first radio talk show podcast!

     Where to start?  One day I'm posting flyers on campus for the Women's Spirit Drum Circle (the Boise State University organization I started last fall).  I look over, and there is a flyer that catches my eye.  It has that energetic glow, when Spirit is trying to get my attention and say, "Here's the next step".  I read the flyer and said out loud, "You have got to be kidding me!"

     Fast forward a couple of months, and I have gone through the training period.  I am now producing my own radio talk show on BSU student radio, University Pulse.  It's called All Things Woo Woo, and I love it more than I could ever have imagined.  I can honestly say that never once in my life, have I ever had even a fleeting thought of, "Gee, I'd like to have my own radio show some day."  Never once.  This is what happens when we follow our intuition, even though it seems like the craziest idea EVER.

     So, here's my first recorded show.  Be kind and forgive the glitches as I'm really in the learning curve here.  I was trying to record it with Garage Band and I locked up the whole system, which I had to reboot - during the show!  That would be my fault, and not that of Garage Band, which works perfectly well.  I've also forgotten to turn on my mic a couple of times, but who's counting.  My suggestion, fast forward past the dead air space and know that I am getting better at this...honest.

Podcast for the show on 3/20/2016

     First hour is meditation stuff.  Second hour is an interview with my good friend Mac.  Check out my radio show Facebook page to see some of her awesome poetry.

You can also catch my show live 
every Sunday from 5-7 pm Idaho, Mountain Time Zone.  
You can stream it from any computer with internet at


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