Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Conversations at the Zoo

The 100 year old tortoise is sick. I know this because he told me, "I don't feel good." But this was no surprise as the sign posted at his zoo exhibit states, "Under Veterinarian Observation." Poor guy. Another sign told me that this kind of tortoise can live up to 250 years. So maybe not an old age thing? Maybe a captivity thing? I have mixed emotions about keeping animals in zoos. For years I couldn't go to zoos because I could feel that many of the animals weren't happy. But I have been drawn to the zoo a few times in recent years. Thankfully, I have a local zoo that treats their animals well. At least the message I get from most of the animals is that they feel taken care of, though some miss the freedom of the open. But they also tell me on a soul level this is what they chose. I don't understand all of that, but I'll go with it. I know that for me personally, the ability to see such spectacular beasts is awe inspiring. To speak with them face to face is a humbling honor. 

This morning, Spirit told me to go to the zoo. I hadn't been there in a while and I was excited to see my friends. The snow leopards in particular were an initial, integral connection with the extraterrestrials I have been working with these past couple of years. I have such a deep love and reverence for these magnificent cats that I cannot even put it into words. Plus they are gorgeous. That long, heavy tail gets me every time. 

Speaking of snow leopards, we have two. The male said he was okey-dokey (my exact works, not his). But the female was not ok. Chatting with her she told me she was troubled because she wanted to have a baby. I asked her why she couldn't have a baby and she gave me some vague, fearful answer about how she thought the humans would take it away and do it harm so she would not allow herself to get pregnant. Now, I don't have any knowledge about zoo policy on such things, but I suspected she didn't have the right of it. But I also didn't want to lie to her. Do zoos take away snow leopards' babies? Geesh, how do I get myself in such predicaments? I asked Spirit to give me the right words and said, "The zoo humans will treat your baby as well as they treat you." She contemplated that for awhile, and by the time I left it felt like she saw the situation in a whole new light and was ready to have a baby. At this point the male got up and started to pace back and forth, back and forth. I'm thinking, one gets settled and now the other's not at peace. Now what? He said, "I'm going to be a father soon." Excited? Nervous? Probably both. 

I had many wonderful conversations today. And I'm quite pleased to say that the tortoise agreed to the healing that I offered. As always, my Guides and Spirit Helpers did the lion share of the healing (zoo reference - I crack myself up). I could never do it without their help. I am forever grateful. 

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