Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Semi Silent Sob in a Stall

     For the first time since starting this odyssey, I was ready to throw in the proverbial student-towel this week.  I was finally ready to call it quits.  How do you stop being a student? mid semester no less.  I'm sure there is a lengthy process for that.  Damn, it's taken me all this time of hard labor to figure out the process of being a student.  The prospect of figuring out how to stop, seems exhausting.  It doesn't help that I'm functioning (or not functioning) this week on sleep deprivation and anxiety, produced from the one-two-punch of "extra work shifts/more homework than usual".

     This decision to leave school really solidified during an uncontrollable cry in a bathroom stall somewhere in the math building a couple of days ago.  I tried to be quiet about it.  I really did.  But you know how these things go, you're heaving and sobbing, and sounds just sort of escape.  But the women who were coming and going from the room, let me be.  Thankfully they didn't call the campus police or the school nurse.  (Does a university have a school nurse?  Oh wait, they have a whole clinic.  Scratch that thought.  I'm not thinking very clearly right now-as mentioned above.)  But my point being, they mercifully just let me blubber on.  Sometimes there's no right answer but to bellow and bawl.  Maybe it's a common occurrence for people to be crying in the math building bathrooms.  It wouldn't surprise me.  I feel their pain.  

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